Tuesday, August 28, 2012

3 Day Diet- Version 2

As promised, here is another version of the 3 Day Diet that my mother and I are trying. You can find the first version that we tried here. The version below is more clear than the first one that was given to me and this one has a few more things in it that I would prefer to eat.
I found this version of the 3 day diet here and much like the other diet, it is used in a hospital in Alabama in the cardiac unit to lose weight fast over 3 days.

Here is the diet! Same disclosure on this one (i.e. I am not a doctor, I am not recommending this as a healthy way to lose weight....blah blah blah.)
1/2 Grapefuit or Juice
1 Slice of Toast
1 tbsp. Peanut Butter
Black Coffee or Tea
1/2 cup Tuna
1 Slice Toast
Black Coffee or Tea
2 Slices (3 oz.) of any Meat
1 cup String Beans
1 cup Carrots or Beets
1 small Apple
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
1 hard-boiled Egg
1 Slice of Toast
1/2 Banana
Black Coffee or Tea
1 cup Cottage Cheese
or: 1/2 cup Tuna
5 Saltine Crackers
2 Wieners
1 cup Cabbage or Broccoli
1/2 cup Carrots
or Turnip Greens
1/2 Banana
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
1 hard-boiled Egg
1 Slice Toast
Black Coffee or Tea
1 Slice Cheddar Cheese
5 Saltine Crackers
1 small Apple
Black Coffee or Tea
1 cup Tuna
1 cup Carrots or Beets
1 cup Green Beans
or Cauliflower
1 cup Cantaloupe
or 1 small Apple
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
* This diet works as a chemical breakdown and is proven to work
* You are allowed diet soda or tea with sweetener on this diet.
* Salt and pepper may be used, but no other seasoning.
* Use this diet for 3 consecutive days each week.
* After 3 days of dieting, you can eat your usual food,
But Do Not OVER Eat!!!
* After 4 days of normal eating, start back on your 3 day diet.
* Don’t change the rules!

Day 1: I was able to actually eat half of a real grapefruit this time around and did not have to substitute some sort of orange juice to start this off. Not sure if it made a difference as I forgot to get a starting weight....oops! Today's calories were 846 and it was not so bad. I didn't mind dinner, but I think my stomach got a little upset because I had 3 oz of chicken from a can, 1 cup of carrots from a can, and 1 cup of green beans from a can.......bleh! The apple and ice cream, as usual, were amazingly delicious. I was pretty freaking hungry several hours after dinner and had a hard time getting to sleep. I tried not to have much of any diet soda this time around, which when you are eating this bland food, proves to be a bit difficult.

Day 2: Yet another yummy breakfast! I chose the cottage cheese for lunch and I wanted so badly to mix in some dill and exchange the saltines for triscuits and to have some turkey deli meat or something. Mom and I took an hour long walk around the neighborhood and were imagining putting craisins and cashew pieces in the cottage cheese.....so yeah, we were a bit hungry and feeling deprived. It wasn't until dinner when the psychotic behavior surfaced.  We chose to eat 1 cup of cabbage (cole slaw mix) and one cup of carrots (matchstick cut) and my mom worked her way though her bunny food rather quickly while I, well, I had a mental break. As we sat, watching the Hunger Games, I was cramming the cole slaw and carrot mix in my mouth and saying "oh my God, its so delicious" while I had a not too attractive face on. I had to take a half a can of Coke Zero and take sips of it to mix with the cole slaw mix in my mouth just to get it down. What I would have killed for some rice wine vinegar, that really would have helped matters a bit. When I finally got through it and had my 2 Hebrew National reduced fat wieners, I barely let them cool before I was nibbling on them, trying to make them last. I sliced up my half of the banana and put that on the top of my vanilla ice cream and the suffering of the cole slaw was a thing of nightmares. I slept well  that night, even though I was still pretty hungry. After 1047 calories for the day, you would think an additional 200 calories to a diet would take an edge off.

Day 3: Mom got the hang of making hard boiled eggs this morning and they were delicious. I was kind of mad we could only have one. Mom and I are starving and we are trying to find ways to entertain each other so we don't go nuts. So far I have only had a half a can of Coke Zero through this experience, but I am losing my resolve quickly......and dinner was a bust. I made my bowl of 1 cup green beans, 1 cup beets and 1- 5 oz can of tuna and promptly almost puked when I put the first bite in my mouth. I refused to be miserable for dinner so I tossed it out and I made these wonton tacos instead :)

Well, this time around I learned something else about this diet- you can only take so much. I don't know if it is because I was eating most of my food out of a can and that turned my stomach or if its because of the copious amounts of green beans and beets I have eaten in the last two weeks, but I refuse to be miserable.

I do have a tendency to get sick while eating every so often. For 2-3 weeks I will be fine and then one week I will just not be able to even look at food with out wanting to throw up. No idea what it is, I don't think its related to "that time of the month", but my mother gets it too. Who knows. I am thinking I am done with this 3 day diet mess. While it was fin to stick to a regimen, I think I am going to explore cooking more quick and healthy meals instead. I do not believe you should be miserable while eating, that takes me back to my childhood. I think that my parents forcing me to eat broccoli as I was a child has ingrained this natural reaction to want to throw up when I smell it.

Until next time,



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