Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pinterest Test: Magnetic Make Up Board

I am a hoarder. Yeah, I said it, hoarder. But I am not the "buy a ton of dollar store or thrift store crap and stack it to the ceiling" hoarder. No no no, I am the "OCD, buy nice stuff, organize it, and wish there was a better way to access it" kind of hoarder.

My obsession over the years with MAC make up was crazy. I have countless eye shadows, palettes, lip glosses, brushes and skin products and I always had to hide these amazing things under the sink and in my make up boxes and bags because I have, possibly, the World's smallest bathroom :(

Then one day on Pinterest I found the magnetic make up board idea and thought this would be great! But then I realized that even though I wanted an adorable board with a colorful frame and all that jazz, that was not what I was going to end up with. I know these things. I want to execute gorgeous crafts, but then practicality gets in the way and I end up with the basics. For now, I am ok with that.

The only place in my bathroom that is large enough to hold a dry erase/magnetic board is right next to my shower so I was not going to put in the time and effort of mod podging, painting, and beautifying a board just for it to get ruined by the humidity and the possible water splatter that would come from my shower. That would just be depressing! That's when I remembered....ITS BACK TO SCHOOL TIME!  WHOOOO!

Oh yes, that means that dry erase boards and markers, magnetic organizer cups, magnets and magnetic clips and all that stuff would be flooding the Back-To-School section in Target! So my mother and I set off to go shopping.

Check out my result:

- Board was about $12 from Target
-Magnet clips were $1 for 4
- Craft magnets were $10 for 2 packs of like 20 or so to glue to the make up (and if you use craft glue you can peel the magnets off easily and reuse them!)
-Mesh magnetic holders were on sale at Target for $2 a piece
-Pack of dry erase markers on sale at Target for $3
-Getting your dad to follow through on helping you with a project.....priceless

Total: $18 plus how ever much you want to spend on magnets
Ok, I know I know, it is a bit plain and boring....but check out all the space I have to write myself love notes and stick up countless little products for easy access! All I had to do was buy the board and magnets, beg my dad to remember to screw it to the wall for about 3 weeks, and then patiently wait for the glue to dry on the magnets on the back of the make up! I found the little magnet clips worked great for holding a single eye liner and those little magnetic mesh things were awesome to hold eyeliners, mascaras and other products! The only thing I have to be careful about is making sure the magnets have good connection before I let go of the eyeshadow, otherwise they fall on the floor. Having the eye shadows displayed like this is wonderful! I can now have the Fall/Winter colors out (like I have pictured here) and then switch them out for my Spring/Summer colors at the end of the season and have them all at my finger tips! This saves me a lot of time as I used to dig, elbow deep, through my make up boxes looking for specific colors and eventually I would just give up.
I also keep my french memory board next to my sink:
I picked up this board at Ross (I think) for a few bucks years ago and I recently moved it into the bathroom to hold all the little packets of products that I get from my subscription boxes. Since it is right by the sink I am reminded to try them and they are not just kicking around in a drawer collecting dust!

And there you have it!


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