Since I am transitioning into wearing scrubs every day and I have lost a fair amount of weight and have clothing, shoes, jewelry and other accessories that I would love to part with I decided to try the Vinted app on my phone.
If you haven't yet heard of it, it is an app where you can sell your belongings and they are like the middle man. It is incredibly easy!
So you create your profile by signing up here and you can put your little picture up like I did and it tells your location.
You can then use the little icons at the bottom. To sell an item, you go in under "sell" and up load pictures, a short description, the specs on the item such as brand, size, condition, retail price, asking price and the shipping options.
After you post the items they appear in the "shop" area where people can browse through. They can contact you via comments on the item, by sending you a message, by making an offer on the item which you can accept, counter, or decline, or they can just outright by the item. (Vinted both emails you and sends you a notification in the app when there is any action regarding your account.)
When your item is sold, Vinted creates a shipping label in the app that you send to your email and then can print out. You then have a few days to drop that package in the mail and the include a tracking number so it will give you and the buyer notifications when it has been shipped and when it is delivered.
This is an item that was purchased yesterday and that I put in the mail today. As you can see the app documents everything so if you were a buyer (I have not yet purchased anything) you can see what is happening on the sellers end. I tend to update my buyers on what is going on with a personal message but you do not have to.
Once the item is received, it takes a few days for the money to show up in your "available balance". You can set up the money to be deposited into whatever account you would like. If the item has yet to be delivered, you can see your pending money in the "pending in un-closed sales" right after the item is sold.
In this picture you can see my most recent payouts. I usually wait until there is a good amount of money before having the money sent over to my account.
And here is the rest of the screenshot so you can just see how much money I have made selling my items.
I have had no negative experiences so far!! The app is easy to use, quick, and the shipping process with the shipping label being emailed over is stress free. I even reuse my sub boxes and envelopes to ship out my items so my packaging doesn't cost me a dime!

Here are 2 screenshots of some things I have posted to sell just to give you an idea of how easy it is to post things. I literally just lay them out on the floor and the Vinted has even updated recently to tell you what kinds of pictures to post as you are taking them.
Some minor draw backs:
1) Vinted does take a percentage of your sale so make sure you can live with the amount you will get after they are paid. It will display the amount you will get right under the price that you enter for the item when posting it.
2) Shipping prices on more than one item. I have had several people want to buy several items from me. I have ended up posting a "bundle" with the agreed upon price and just a picture of each of the items to solve this problem. I wish they had a way to bundle more than one item for shipping pricing.
3) The "swap" option. You can choose if you are open to swapping or if you are only selling and you will STILL get people who message you asking you to swap. It's annoying and to give good customer service I always reply but I know that the app does warn people before they inquire about swapping. I wish they would just field those inquiries.
If you are looking to clear out some items from your closet and wouldn't mind making back a small percentage of what you paid, I highly recommend Vinted as a fun, easy, and convenient way to sell your items. If you click on any of the links in this blog you will get $7 just for joining!
Happy Vinting everyone!