Wow. So I am seriously slacking! Midway through week 3 and I am just now getting around to posting my meal plan......I'll make it quick.
Pre and Post WOD breakfast- So Gabe, my morning coach, suggested I have some fat before coming in since I was getting light headed and worn out right at the beginning of the WODs. I now have 1 tbsp of almond butter before leaving the house and I am feeling much better during my workouts :) Thanks Gabe!! After the work out, much to Roy's dismay, I am still doing my pumpkin protein shakes. They are easy and yummy and I need pumpkin spice in my life. I'm working on coming up with another option. It might have bacon in it.....
Breakfast- I did paleo egg cups again! They are quick and easy and portable. Love it. This week I did the spinach and onion and switched to red peppers and sausage! Yummmmm. So much flavor. Pairing this still with 1.5 cups of blackberries and raw cashews.
Lunch- Paleo Orange Chicken

So this was super easy and quick to make and it smells and tastes great. I over cooked the chicken because I forgot I was going to have to reheat it over the now it is a bit tough but still tastes great. I have been pairing this with my sweet potato, ghee and cinnammon. I take the leftover orange sauce at the bottom of the container and pour it over my potato. So good!
Taking Roy's suggestions of bumping up my fats, I have raw cashews with this too.
Dinner- Wild Caught Salmon with Veggies
Stop yourself right now and look at this. SUPER SIMPLE, delicious, and healthy. So I bought the fish, took me less than 5 mins to prep the veggies while I preheated the oven to 400 degrees, I set up my pans as you see above and I tossed some lemon herb flavored coconut oil over everything, basil, dill weed, oregano, and minced garlic and put it all in the oven for 20 mins. Easiest thing I made all day! And it has so much flavor. Guess what.... I eat some raw cashews with this too lol.
Alternate meal- I had to do something else because the orange chicken and the salmon only covered 4 out of 5 meals needed for the week so I made the Paleo Buffalo Chicken Soup that came highly reccomended from Fawn.
Sooooo good. Soooooo hot! Makes a ton of soup and I eat about 2 cups of it per serving. Guess what I have with it....nuts!
Other things- Bacon Brussel Bites for a snack
So these are amazing. I may or may not be allergic to brussel sprouts. I may or may not have eaten an entire plant by myself over the weekend.....

I don't know why I find it so amusing that it comes like this. Anyway! Delicious and easy to make and they really hit the spot!

I was so over doing hard boiled eggs and tabasco so I threw some organic salsa over the top instead (double checked the lable 3x to make sure it didn't have sugar or any other crap in it). This was really refreshing to have for dinner!
Ok so that is my 3 week update. I haven't even started looking at recipes for next week. Ugh. I need to kick myself in the butt and get it in gear :P