So I had the genius idea to look for bath products on Etsy one day and decided to order from 2 different shops on there. Much to my chagrin, it was not the pleasant experience that I was expecting.
First, let's start with the decent products.
These are bath bombs from a shop called Omgsmellthis and I ordered the 12 pack of Happiness as well as 3 additional bath bombs. The box arrived in a timely manner though I did not get any contact directly from the shop.
Six of the bath bombs are the BeInspired scent which is black currants & sandalwood and the other six are BeQueen which are almond cake & icing. The three additional are BeBeached which are coconut oil & jasmine. The seller also included a bath truffle that I am excited to use.
When they arrived they were in this cute little plastic crate and the three loose bombs were in a nice little bag. You could smell these things inside the packaging and they smelled wonderful!

Here is a link a video of the first bomb I dropped.
Here is the link to the second bomb I dropped and you can see the light pink color the water was after the first one.
(The bombs were the same color but the lighting changed in my bathroom.)
These were good bombs and I might purchase different scents in the future as this seller has a long list and they sound very intriguing.
*I will update with a review on BeQueen & BeBeached when I have tried them!*

**UPDATE: I tried the BeQueen bombs which had this sweet almond scent that I really enjoyed. I had to use 3 bombs to achieve the level of scent that I wanted but the bombs did leave a very light scent on my skin after the bath which was nice. In the picture on the right, you can see the oils that these bombs have in them and that they leave in the water. I did video the bombs, but it didn't look any different than the BeInspired bombs so I did not post it.
Now on to the crappy products.
This order was from Badgerfacebeauty and what intrigued me was their scent combinations as well as the hilarious descriptions of the products.
Here is part of the description for the Ginger Coconut Lotion Bar:
"Raise your hand if you hate dry skin. Like, seriously rough and scaly fucking skin make you feel like part reptile or some shit. Yeah. We're with you. Solidarity against those dry fucking winter winds that suck the joy out of your life and chap your ass.
Let this lotion bar nourish the fuck out of your skin with all-natural coconut oil and shea butter. Shea butter is like some crazy voo doo black magic for your skin. It'll solve that shit. Wrinkles, scars, rashes, burns, insect bites... you got nasty shit going on, shea butter will shut it down.
Let this lotion bar nourish the fuck out of your skin with all-natural coconut oil and shea butter. Shea butter is like some crazy voo doo black magic for your skin. It'll solve that shit. Wrinkles, scars, rashes, burns, insect bites... you got nasty shit going on, shea butter will shut it down.
And ginger and coconut extract is always nice, because who doesn't love smelling like a Tahitian whore?"
Well my friends, do not get overly excited like I did. The packaging was nice, the order was filled and shipped quickly but that's where my positive experience ended. I tried the F-bombs in the Ginger Coconut scent the day they arrived and I was very disappointed.
The bombs themselves had almost no scent in their little bag, but I figured once in the warm water it might bring the scent out. Nope. My bath water smelled like bath water but looked gross. Check out the video here of me dropping the first bomb. The stuff coming out of the bomb was described in an indie bath group I am a part of as looking like "bugs escaping" and it made a mess of my bath tub. There were these black/grey dots that were left on my tub (which I have never experienced with any other bath bomb) and when I tried to wipe them off to go down the drain they smudged and wouldn't come off. I am calling the photo below "Badgerface Afterbath" as it was a pain to scrub all of this off my tub with a towel right after what should have been a relaxing bath.
I messaged the shop owner before going on and leaving a review and asked for a refund on just the 2 products (I was going to just take the loss on the other 2 and hope they were better). She wanted me to mail the lotion bar back to her for which she explained was to " safeguard that I am protected against a customer who might want to keep a product and get their money back, too". I explained that that is unhygienic to send back something that has touched my body in addition to costing me more money and that I was only asking for a refund on half the order, but she was not understanding or sympathetic. I ended up packaging up all of the products (used and unused...ew) as well as the empty bag for the used bath bombs and putting them back in the original box and writing "RTS" or the label and sticking it in the mail box. I am crossing my fingers that the postal service will take it back without requiring me to invest more money into this botched deal and that she will refund my entire purchase amount as she promised.
So we have a hit and a miss from Etsy shops. There are a few other shops on there that had products I was interested in, but I might hold off on purchasing any of those for awhile. I was thinking that if I need to use several bombs to try to achieve the experience that I have with a LUSH bomb, then I might need to just stick with what I know.
I do, however, have an order of bath bombs and massage bars coming from Bomb Diggy Bath & Beauty that I am very excited about as it came on a recommendation from someone who knows I like LUSH products. I will post a review when it gets here!
I do, however, have an order of bath bombs and massage bars coming from Bomb Diggy Bath & Beauty that I am very excited about as it came on a recommendation from someone who knows I like LUSH products. I will post a review when it gets here!
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