The May WOD Box is in and it was awesome!
The Good Bean roasted chickpeas snacks were actually quite tasty! They were crunchy and lightly salted and very satisfying as a far as a little snack baggie goes.

This WOD Welder odor crusher sack actually made me laugh out loud when I saw it. Do you know how many people at my gym could benefit from this thing?? I gladly tossed this awesome smelling sack into my bag and the next time I went to the box and pulled out my socks they smelled great. Awesome product!

Awww yes, who doesn't like to have a good jump rope? Just a glance will have you thinking this is just a basic rope from, but when I pulled it out and started to measure it up I discovered that it is a cable covered in this thick plastic! The handles actually felt really good in my hands and once I cut the cable down I was easily able to adjust this to the perfect length with the little screw-like adjusters. I used it for the WOD we did that day and the rope was perfect. Definitely impressed!
That's it for the May WOD Box! Loving the Crossfit specific products that are included every month!