Shopping for health insurance has been a real pain in my ass. Every time I had called somewhere it had been all sweet and lovely conversation until they asked my height and weight. Basically when shopping for individual insurance they want to know your height and weight and if you smoke.....that's it. That is how these insurance companies base what to charge you monthly. So the fact that I am a chubby girl and have big boobs, well that puts me on death's door and apparently makes me expensive to insure.
I called a Health and Life Insurance Broker that was nice, professional, understanding, and willing to tell me the rubric the insurance companies follow of height to weight ratio. He actually wanted to help me get to where I needed to be to fit into the narrow guidelines the insurance companies have set up. He sent me an email with this "3 Day Diet" that he told me was developed by a doctor at Kaiser Permanente to help over-weight patients going in for heart surgery lose weight before the procedure. He did warn that many bathroom breaks would be needed and I would be tired as hell, but if I did this then I would lose close to 10 lbs and could be more competitive for my health insurance rates.
Always willing to risk bodily harm for a discount on anything, I agreed to give this a shot. (read sarcasm into this line)
Top to bottom, days 1,2, and 3 are listed.
1 Slice of
2 Tbs of
peanut butter
1/2 of
grapefruit or juice
1 Small can
of tuna
1Slice of
Coffee or
2 Slices (3
oz) of meat
1 Cup of
1 Cup green
1 Cup
vanilla ice cream
Day Two
1 Hard
boiled egg
1 Slice of
1/2 Banana
1 Cup of
cottage cheese
6 Saltine
2 Turkey hot
1 Cup
1/2 Cup of
1/2 Banana
1/2 Cup
vanilla ice cream
Day Three
1 Hard
boiled egg
1 Slice of toast
5 Saltine
1 Slice of
cheddar cheese
1 Cup of
1 Cup of
1 Cup of
1/2 Cup of
vanilla ice cream
DO NOT make
any substitutions. This is a chemical
breakdown and has been medically proven to work. Do it for three days, then four days
off. You will lose 10 pounds per week or
forty per month. Don't try it unless you
intend to stick with it EXACTLY as it is printed. Salt and pepper are okay but no other
seasonings are allowed. Diet drinks are
permitted but drink plenty of water."
So there is the plan to. I went down to my kitchen to make sure I had the food needed to complete this diet for the 3 days (of course we did not have a bunch of those things). During that time I told my mom what the plan was and she said she would do it with me. It's always easier to stick with something when you have some one to do it with!
Day 1:
Breakfast- I was very excited for my toast with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter! So hungry and so excited....that I forgot to weigh myself in the morning for my start weight. Oops. I will try to remember to do that tomorrow. We also did not have any grapefruits or grapefruit juice (even though mom said we had some last night.....) so I had to substitute that with a few sips of blood orange juice. After breakfast we went to the store for grapefruits....
Lunch- I was a bit turned off by tuna fish right out of the can, however since the diet allows some salt and pepper I shook some on there and it was really delicious. I found that my new favorite tea is Good Earth Sweet & Spicy tea. You don't need to use any sugar or milk, it is delicious just how it is!
Dinner: Well this was a bit more challenging to choke down. I like green beans....but with mustard. I haven't had beets in yeeeeeeears. Chicken from a can? Well that was my choice but it was easier than cooking something. I was so hungry by this time that I was able to get most of it down with out a fight. I did leave a few bites of beets left....who can really eat a cup of beets though?
And lets not forget........
......the whole cup of vanilla ice cream! What a nice way to reward yourself after sticking with this diet all day. It almost felt like too much ice cream, but the directions say eat the whole cup :)
Thoughts- I did not feel very hungry today and I think I actually liked my dinner with the green beans and beets. Lunch was not bad either but I would have loved to add some miracle whip to that tuna. Actually, I could eat this every day- if I knew this didn't constitute starving myself. The total calories for today were 822, my suggested for moderate weight loss is 1300. I was exhausted come bed time and I ended up falling asleep with in minutes of laying down. I am sure it was a result of under eating today.
Day 2: (weighed myself this morning, down 3lbs from when I had weighed in a few weeks ago)
Breakfast- I love eggs, toast, and bananas so breakfast was small but delicious. I had read somewhere that a Japanese scientist has discovered that bananas with a lot of brown spots have cancer fighting properties in them. After breakfast my mom and I took a 30 minute walk with my dog Bentley before the rain came.
Lunch- If you have never eaten a full cup of cottage cheese.....I suggest you try it. I ate my 6 saltines first and then enjoyed the cottage cheese until I had about 2 bites and had to stop. I don't know what started to bother me, the texture or taste but I am sure it would have gone down easier if I could have put some dill in it. I forgot to take a picture of my food before I ate it, I was pretty hungry.

Dinner- This has got to be the worst meal yet. I don't like carrots (ate too many of them as a kid) and I hate broccoli. I hate broccoli so much that the smell of it makes me gag and the last time I tried it I had to run to the bathroom to spit it out....I was 24 years old. Now here we are 3 years later and we are putting my gag reflex to the test! I was able to get most of my half cup of carrots down no problem. I tried eating some broccoli raw and the toughness of it and the texture of those little balls had me gagging and I ran to the trash to spit it out. Not a good start. Next, I steamed some in the microwave and then threw some salt and pepper on it. If you remember, when you were a child and were forced to eat something gross, you would chew it up and then can't swallow it so you drink some water to help it down. Yep, that was my strategy. I think I got about 3/4 of a cup, but I could not eat any more. The turkey hot dogs were delicious and I gobbled those up as well as my half of a banana. The half cup of ice cream was yummy as usual. Still makes me wonder how ice cream helps to lose weight though........
Thoughts- Today I could not get out of bed on time. I am usually out of bed around 8 or 9 (perks of being unemployed) but today I could not get up until after 10 am. Its like my brain wouldn't cooperate. I knew I needed to get up, but I could not make myself do it. When I finally did stand up I was super light headed and had to take a moment to collect myself. I took a 30 minute walk with mom, but it had started to rain. As soon as we came home and I showered and sat down with my book. After just a few pages I dozed off for a nap. Not the most productive day today. Its a Sunday so I was not expecting much, but the day was pretty much wasted with sleeping and napping. Come 10 pm I was starving and salivating at all the food porn on Pinterest. Today was only 813 calories worth of food.
Day 3: (another pound down this morning)
Breakfast- Yeah, you are looking at this picture correctly. I got to have a piece of toast and one hard boiled egg. It was very sad and very bland :(
Lunch- Yep, no joke here either. Some saltines and some cheese. Weirdly, I wasn't famished. I took a long walk with my mom and the dogs afterwards which was nice.
Dinner- WHOA! Talk about a lot of food! I did

not even bother to take pictures of it all. I had a can of tuna, a cup of beets, tried to eat a half a cantaloupe but only ate a fourth of it, I could only stomach a few bites of the cauliflower and then even the ice cream was tough to get down.
Thoughts- Well even though there were only 678 calories today I really didn't feel that hungry. I was able to get up on time today, I went tanning, went out with mom to get dog food and run some other errands and then we took an hour walk around the neighborhood with the dogs. I didn't even feel like taking a nap! I was down another pound this morning which makes 4 lbs since this started. I hope that there is a significant loss tomorrow morning because I am going in to the doctor's office to get my height and weight done. Hopefully I will fall into the measurements they need!
Conclusion- Well I lost 7 pounds (of I am guessing water weight) but it was enough to get me down into the measurements the insurance company laid out. The weight has not come back yet, but I have a feeling that it will. I accomplished my goal....even if it was temporary. Men don't read this next part--- I do believe this diet is about starving your body because my period stopped on the 3rd day of this diet and I still had 2 more days to go in my flow. I do not think that is very healthy in any way.
Well, I found another similar diet that the Cardiac Unit in Birmingham AL uses to help patients drop weight. Believe it or not, my mother would like to try this type of diet again so I am going to support her and do it with her as she did this diet with me. Pretty sure this is the last time I will do something like this. I am taking away some great information from these diets though. If you add some calories and some fruit and veggies to breakfast and lunch, its actually not a bad plan to follow. I just really feel that you need to be over 1200 calories a day just to sustain proper energy for body function.